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Communicating for Influence and impact- Business Storytelling

People have always told stories and they are an essential part of the way we communicate. Today, telling stories has become accepted (and sometimes expected) in a professional context. This can be partly because of the power of the TED talk format, partly because people are starting to get tired of PowerPoint and people speaking to us in bullet points … and mainly because storytelling never went away. In fact, storytelling has the power to connect with people in a way no other communication approach can. Let me tell you how you can get started.

What is a story? And why should I use them?

Every story has …

a plot

  • a beginning, middle and end

  • often involves overcoming a problem, challenge, obstacle, dilemma

  • but most of all …. all story connects on a human /emotional level

And it is the connecting that makes stories easy to remember. Stories bring meaning to information and have the power to move people. A story has a powerful effect on the brain as it can

  • produce cortisol during the tense moments in a story, which allows us to focus

  • produce oxytocin, that create connection and empathy

  • release dopamine which makes us feel more hopeful and optimistic

We can use stories when presenting, influencing, teaching, leading or just in day-to-day discussions. Try using stories when you want to aid memory, celebrate, challenge assumptions, connect, convince, encourage, energise, entertain, explain, impress, inspire, motivate, persuade, reinforce values or beliefs.

How do I build a story?

If you want to build a story you need to think about your audience. Your first question has to be “What do I want them to feel?”. Secondly ask yourself “What do I want them to understand? think? do?”. Then think back over the situations you’ve been part of, or have observed. It is far easier and far better to tell stories that mean something to you and are your stories.

If you are struggling to create a story, then try using the IDEAS approach:

  • Identify the emotion you are trying to create. Then identify what you want your listener to understand and do.

  • Decide which story would best achieve this and connect with your listener

  • Expand your story. You have the bones, now put the flesh on them.

  • Anticipate their questions and reactions.

  • See the story as you tell it.

Finally, don’t assume you can just get up and tell it. You need to practice your story, if you want to make it matter.

Storytelling is something you can LEARN! It's all about identifying your goal and understanding your audience. You need to know the emotion you want your audience to feel. From there you start looking for the right story, which you then create through practice. Don’t rush into it, do not “present” it, and have the courage to just tell a story.

You’ll be surprised at the impact you can make!!

What's stories do you use to impact people?

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